Signing in / signing out

Signing in


Click (Sign In).


Enter your sign-in ID (e-mail address) and password.
Enter the sign-in ID (e-mail address) and password registered to you when you created your account.


Click [Sign In].

Saving your password

If you save your password, the sign-in screen will be displayed with your password already entered and you will be able to sign in without entering your password. Click (Sign In), and then, in the screen that is displayed, select the box for [Save Password].


  • Saving your password may allow others to use PlayStation®Network services or view other information for your account.
  • Before giving your PC to a third party for any reason including return (where permitted) or authorised service, be sure to clear the PlayStation®Network [Save Password] option for all Users. This will help prevent unauthorised access to use of your credit card or other personal details.
Clearing the save password option (deleting the password)


Click (Sign In).


From the screen where you enter your sign-in ID and password, clear the [Save Password] checkbox.


Click [Sign In].
Sign in to PlayStation®Network to clear the save password option.

Signing out

To sign out from PlayStation®Network, click (Sign Out).


If you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking (Sign In) > [Forgot your password?].