Music Listening to music

Select and play songs by filtering them through categories, such as connected device, artist, and album.

Music list screen. Labeled A.

A )
The song that is currently playing or was most recently listened to.
Select the thumbnail to display the song playback screen.

You can perform a keyword search for other categories and tracks on a connected computer. Select (Search) in the upper left corner of the screen on your system for the connected computer.

Select a song to listen to it. The song playback screen appears:

Music playback screen. Labeled A and B starting from the top.

A )
Progress bar
B )
(Previous)/ (Play)/ (Pause)/ (Next)/ (Equaliser)/ (Shuffle)/ (Repeat)
Select the icons to control playback of a song.
Press and hold the Cross button for (Previous) and (Next) to fast rewind and fast forward.
  • You can also adjust the volume and perform operations such as (Play)/ (Pause) from the quick menu that appears when you press and hold the PS button.
  • When listening to music on a connected device, you cannot use the (Shuffle) feature.
  • If you select (Back), or press the PS button or the power button while listening to music that is stored on a connected device, the music will stop. When listening to music, you cannot display any lists or the LiveArea™ screen.

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