Privacy Settings

Select (Settings) > [Account Management] > [Privacy Settings].

  • Some settings are available only for adult accounts.
  • You can view or change privacy settings from (PlayStation App) or by visiting the website below using your PC or smartphone.

Gaming | Media


Choose which of your activities are viewable by others, and choose the group of players who can view them.

Gaming History

Choose who can see what games you're playing and your trophies.

Hidden Games

Choose games to hide. When a game is hidden, information about the game doesn’t appear in your activities, profile, Now Playing, or trophy list.

Online Status and Now Playing

Choose who can see your online status, the games you're playing, and the device you're using.

Requests to Watch

Choose who can send you requests. For details on requests to watch, see “Sending requests to watch gameplay”.


Choose who can see the music you listen to in Spotify®. The song you're listening to or the last song you played appears on your profile screen.

Friends | Connections


Choose who can view your Friends list.

Friend Requests

Choose who can send you Friend requests.

Players Who Can Follow You

Choose who can follow you.

List of Your Followers

Choose who can view the list of your followers.

List of Players You Follow

Choose who can view the list of people you follow.

Team Invitations

Choose who can send you team invitations. When you receive an invitation and become a team member, you can join team tournaments.

Players You May Know

Choose who can view your real name and profile picture in Players You May Know. Let yourself be found more easily by other players. When you enable this feature, your name appears in other players' Friends lists as a player they may know.

Personal Info | Messaging

Real Name in Search

Choose who can view your real name and profile picture in search results.

Real Name in Friends List

Choose who can view your real name and profile picture in the Friends lists of your close Friends (those who have accepted your real-name requests). This will make it easier for others to find you.

Real Name in Games

Choose who can view your real name and profile picture during games. Screenshots or video clips that your close Friends save might include your real name and profile picture.


Choose who can send you messages and invite you to games and parties.


Tag players you've played with when uploading screenshots or video clips. You can choose who can tag you.